Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 I promised that I'd share more about my recent trip back to the Midwest to see my people, but that will have to wait for a bit; my summer class starts to night and I need to finalize a few things with the syllabus and my Canvas shell. On my last full day in Indiana we visited four cemeteries to visit graves and plant flowers, but that's definitely a longer post. In the meantime I'll just share this picture of the tombstone of Abner Scudder, the reason why the Scudders ended up in Indiana in the first place. He was wounded in the Revolutionary War, and, as recompense, received two-hundred acres in the wilderness of what would eventually be Indiana. 

And so, after stops in England and Salem and Long Island and New Jersey and North Carolina, we eventually made our way to Indiana. Some members of the crew, could be anyone, took the opportunity to get the hell out and not look back.

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