Thursday, December 3, 2009


OK, I've made it back safe and sound from the Russia trip, although I'm swamped with work and dealing with a nasty case of jet lag (which normally isn't an issue, but is for some reason this time). I arrived back into Burlington late on Monday evening, and then had to get up early on Tuesday to work out and then give a video-conference presentation to a conference in South Africa (I wish my life were as exciting as it sounds). By the time Tuesday night rolled around I barely made it until 7:00 before I went to bed - and only survived that long because I was determined to do laundry. Yesterday, Wednesday, I felt so terrible I thought I was coming down with the flu and was back in bed before 8:00. Feeling better today - just a little sluggish. I still have some more stuff I need to post from Russia, as well as long-delayed material from my summer travels. May have to arrange a drive to Montreal soon in search of a good Russian restaurant.

1 comment:

KBL said...

I guess this makes you an 'impassioned blogger'? (reference one of your little FB gifts)