Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reflections on Things at Hand: A Rainy Day in Paris

Yes, still awash in memories, which I guess means I'm either in a comfortable place in my life and thinking about how lucky I've been or depressed and not seeing much hope in the future (grin). Or maybe it's just a delayed reaction to the enormity of turning fifty. Or maybe like Billy Pilgrim I'm just unstuck in time. No matter the cause, my mind has been sliding back more and more frequently into my own past, which is normally something that I try and avoid like the plague. On the way back from India in August 2004 I carved off several days in Paris as a treat. On one particular morning I had spent several hours walking through the Paris Catacombs, which I loved and have blogged about before. After leaving the Catacombs, and sitting in a little out of the way restaurant and downing a latte, I ventured out into a soft rain. It was one of those days when the rain was not bad enough to keep you inside, and the light was perfect for taking pictures. In the end I walked around the Jardin du Luxembourg and took in the scenery. It was a very quiet, uneventful and utterly unforgettable day. I remember telling my good friend David Kelley before his first trip to Paris that if he could truthfully tell me that he didn't love Paris I didn't think we'd be able to be friends anymore. We're still friends.

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