I wish I had more pictures of the Wadi Rum, but, tragically and typically, the desert ate my camera. I know people who routinely smash their phones, which I've managed to avoid, but I can never mock them because apparently I am really hard on cameras. A couple years ago in the UAE I destroyed three cameras in the space of three months, each time in a different fashion (water, smashy-smashy and sand in the aperture [which sounds like a Smiths song]). I recreated the sand in the aperture misadventure this trip, so I have precious few pictures of the part of the trip that I was most excited about. Oh well, I'll take more next time.
We stayed at a little campground run through Petra Moon Tourism, an organization that I can not speak too highly of (definitely look them up if you're considering visiting Jordan - or drop me a line and I'll pass along their contact information).
Leaving the road behind and heading out into the Wadi Rum proper. |
Our little huts. The students slept two to a tent, except for the two students who slept out under the stars. The professors had tents all to themselves. Well, Cyndi did. I ended up not sleeping in my tent, but that's another story. |
All in all, pretty comfortable digs. A couple of the students were cold. I wish I had told them that the desert is very cold at night - oh, wait, I did - a dozen times! |
There was also a much bigger communal tent where we gathered for meals. Here are Andy and Cyndi scarfing down a quick lunch before we headed out for a jeep tour. This is the tent where I ended up sleeping, and I'll get around to that story soon. |
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