I just wanted to post this picture of two of my oldest friend, Jack and Julie Schultz. I shamelessly swiped this off Facebook. It's a picture of them at their 30th anniversary (I think). Amazingly, Brenda and I got them together when we all lived in Cincinnati. Truthfully, we didn't think they would have anything in common, and we weren't trying to hook them up. They had gone to IU at the same time but, not surprisingly, had never met. We were just looking for someone to play Trivial Pursuit. And here they are all these years later, still happy and with two beautiful, successful daughters. Jack is also my oldest friend, stretching back over forty years. He was the first person I met my age who I thought was both really smart and also possessed a wicked sense of humor. Along with Dave Kelley and Mike Kelly, Jack and I are supposed to embark on a Lucinda Williams-themed tour of the South. We can't put it off too much longer or we'll (well, I'll) be too old.
Still together, and to think, I had to explain to her what the term "brown the meat" meant in a recipe I gave her. |
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