Today is the last day of the semester and I think everyone, both faculty members and students, is officially punch drunk. This semester I have some really great students and they have have been a pleasure to teach. I have this really energetic 12:30 Heroines & Heroes class which, in addition to actually always doing the reading and coming to class prepared, are always energetic and engaged. Last week I had showed a small group of them - Erica, Davi, Christian, Michael and Ben - one of my favorite films,
Simple Men, by the independent director Hal Hartley (who is also a personal favorite of my great friend Erik). They liked the movie, although I think they struggled initially with Hartley's deliciously peculiar sense of humor and timing. They did, however, love the classic dance routine which is featured in the movie (and which you can see by clicking on the link). We had discussed my desire to have the same sound effects in my class that follow the characters in the movie, which inspired Christian to bring in his guitar today to try and replicate. Eventually at the end of class they played the music from the movie, which led to a spontaneous (or maybe not so spontaneous - Erica definitely had the dance memorized) performance. An inspired way to finish the semester. Also, be sure to check out
Simple Men and the other Hartley films. Great stuff.
Left to right: Michael, Erica (who I suspect was the ringleader, or who at least had memorized the dance), Ben (who I think, shared my horror of dance) and the obviously inspired Davi. |
And we have Christian in on the left, although you can't see his guitar. You have to watch the video to get the beauty of Erica's swim move. |
Inspired. I do love my students. |