Thursday, April 25, 2013

W is for Wicked?

There is nothing like coming home and receiving a letter from the Vermont Secretary of State (unless it's from Homeland Security, but that's another story).  In this case the news was good because it was my official appointment as a Temporary Officiant for my excellent friends Andy and Heidi's wedding for this summer.  We had a nice cook-out and wedding planning session the other night.  I told them my plans, which were met with approval, and then I gave them some homework, which they have to email me separately.  The whole thing makes me nervous, mainly because I hate public speaking so much, but it is such a tremendous honor that it is hard not to be excited about it.  Apparently anyone in Vermont, as long as they are eighteen or over, can marry any one else in Vermont.  You just need to fill out the Temporary Officiant form, which takes about two minutes, and can send along a check for $100.  I can't believe that more people don't do it. The only potential glitch is that the state managed to get my name wrong (middle initial W instead of E), but I can't  believe that it really matters - although I did tell Andy that they had better not have any children until the case works its way through to the Supreme Court.  The only consideration now is exactly what the W is supposed to stand for - Laura says either Wanker or Weirdo, and I can't top that.

You can't get more official than that.

1 comment:

KBL said...

It's really great that you're doing that. What a cool personal touch to their wedding! :)