Thursday, August 8, 2019

What It Means - Day 143

"God, ever exalted is He, said: 'O David, caution the children of Israel against eating out of desire, for when the heart is attached to desire, the mind is veiled from Me.'"
Muhammad, Hadith (Divine Sayings, p. 58)

Here's another selection from the hadith qudsi book I've been working my way through (expect this to continue for awhile, although I suspect I'll take a break and get back into the Quran as well). I think this particular one jumped out at me because, once again, it seemed definitively Buddhistic in nature. I've talked previously about how we naturally make comparisons between Islam and Judaism or Christianity, but we tend to not do it in regards to other religions. However, several times I'm championed the similarity to Buddhism, especially in the day to day responsibility of how we lead our lives and the decisions we make. You could change the names and this passage's admonition about controlling desire would fit in almost seamlessly with a Buddhist sutra.

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