Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hero Worship

And a great picture of my excellent friend, and cross-country travelling companion, Sanford Zale and his hero, Richard Nixon.  My theory is this relates to a very young Sanford, upon discovering the enormity of infinity, determining that the only person who could possibly count to infinity was the president of the United States, who was at that time Nixon (true story).  Or maybe it relates to their shared interest in recording everything.  Either way, it has inspired Sanford to name our chief Gentlemen of Excellence sporting event the Richard Nixon Four Sport Triathlon.  Allegedly, the winner of the competition can rename the trophy, although there is no word on Joe Manley's decision for a new name (he has won the last two, despite all of our efforts to handcuff him with blatantly anti-Manley rules).  Since I will obviously never win there is sadly no chance for anyone in the future to compete for the Vladimir Ilych Lenin Four Sport Triathlon trophy.

The similarities are striking.

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