Over the decades, and covering my time at several different schools, one of the surest way for students to make money or to drum up enthusiasm is to inflict some sort of pain or public humiliation on yours truly. I can remember years ago when I taught at Georgia Perimeter College (nee Dekalb College) in Atlanta the student government hosted a murder mystery dinner, which was one of those student activity events designed to instill a sense of community (which was difficult in a non-residential two year school). To promote the murder mystery the SGA put up signs all around campus that said, "Who killed Scudder?" By the time Friday night rolled around the place was packed - and when I was killed, and my body was carried out, it was met with thunderous applause, which I took as a tremendous honor. Since then I've appeared in way too many dunk tanks and received way too many pies in the face, the latter being repeated this week here at Champlain to raise money to send students to Uganda this summer to work in an orphanage. Obviously, this is a very laudable cause and I was happy to help, although my attempt to get the hashtag #UgandaEatThat Pie to trend failed miserably. I assume that I always draw a lot of student support in these instances because it allows them to get at least some small measure of revenge for all the grief I cause them, and that they must at least, in some dark hidden recess of their hearts, like me just a bit.
I figured this shirt, with the words spoken with the appropriate Cartman voice, was sure to agitate the students and to raise more money. |
My soon to be ex-student Christa Bennett got the honors of smashing the pie in my face. I wish she approached her school work with the same enthusiasm and dedication. |
Are we not doing phrasing this year? |
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