Thursday, May 23, 2024

This Year Or Else

 OK, so I've made this promise before, but this time I mean it - or maybe it's just that this year I'm positioned to supply the superhuman effort it will take to finish my Epics book. Janet and I aren't heading out of the country for three weeks this summer (and when is this ever a good thing?) and (so far) I only have two preps for the fall semester, neither one of them new. More importantly, however, I may simply be ready to finish it - and by that I mean that I'm sick of thinking about it. Janet, who is actual real writer, says that this is an essential stage in finishing any book. I've been writing for hours every day and it's definitely coming into shape. Can I pull it off? As I'm famous/infamous for saying to students on overseas trips, "We can sleep when we're dead!"

If I can whip the Ramayana into shape I think I can actually pull this off . . .

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