Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Vermont Lake Monsters Opening Day Excellence 2024

 Janet, Marcel, her brother Roger, Kevin, and I attended one of the social events of the Vermont season: the Opening Day of the Vermont Lake Monsters season. They announced at the game that it was the 30th anniversary of the current group owning the Lake Monsters. This made me consider my own history with the Lake Monsters, and I realized that I've been to at least one Lake Monsters (or Vermont Expos) game for every year I've lived in Vermont. So, I guess I have a 2r year streak going myself. Later this season my excellent friend Mike's son Nicky will be pitching for the Lake Monsters, which will make the passage of time even more poignant since I used to babysit him!

As I've long opined: it doesn't matter what level it is, it's still baseball, and that means I still love it.

Janet and Marcelle obviously enjoying the game.

How many pictures of this crazy girl hamming it up do I have?

Kevin and Roger are focused on the game, and Marcelle is focused on convivial splendor.

I think this will find its way onto our Christmas card.

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