And just a few quick pictures that I snapped while walking through the labyrinth that is the old city in San'a. I love the architecture, which I've often seen described as gingerbread, and I'll include some pictures that do justice to that description later. In the end I think I took dozens of pictures of doors alone, so that will end up being another post in and of itself. Keep in mind that the city is thousands of years old, and most of the buildings in the old city are centuries old, if not a thousand years old. It's sometimes described as the city with the first skyscrapers because you have all of these six or seven story mud and brick buildings, which somehow manage to remain standings. The Burj Al Salam Hotel where I stayed used to be a house which was eventually rehabbed into a hotel. The streets, some only six feet wide, wind around and veer off in all sorts of odd angles. A wonder place to get lost, repeatedly. So, today just a few random pictures to give a glimpse into the old city.
I love all the odd angles on this building. |
It was a Friday morning so the shops were still closed. |
If it seems like that door is only three feet tall, it's because it is. |
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