Thursday, July 25, 2019

What It Means - Day 129

"So obey not any vile oath-monger - slanderer spreading calumny, hinderer of good, a transgressing sinner, churlish, surly, and ignoble withal - simply because he possesses wealth and children."
Quran 68:10-14

I'm guessing this is why Trump is always trying to kick Muslims out of the country . . .

The passage is drawn from al-Qalam, usually rendered as "The Pen," which is the 68th surah. This is another one of the many passages in the Quran warning people from paying too much attention to the things of this world, including the ones that are seemingly important but in the end aren't. Similar ones would include: 3:10, 14, 116; 8:28; 9:24, 44, 69, 85; 18:39-40, 46; 23:55-56; 34:35-37; 60:3; 63:9; 64:14-15; 71:21 (Nasr, p. 1402) It's also admonition that runs up against cultural norms in many parts of the Muslim world, both in regards to an almost unquestioning slavish devotion to powerful elites but also the pressure to have many children. The Prophet himself was mocked because none of his sons had lived to adulthood.

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