Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Challenges of Social Distancing

As we all know at this unpleasant moment in time, it's a challenge to see loved ones when we'be barely supposed to leave the house. I had not seen my son since before I took off for India, and he lives in the same town. Last week, taking a circuitous route to the Food Shelf for volunteering, I swung by the boy's place for some much needed, but appropriately socially distanced, time with Gary and his girlfriend. Plus I got to watch his cat Odin hunting small beasties in the woods.

The boy, as usual, looking handsome.

And some old dude dropped by. I think, using Holmesian logic and by making calculations based on the time of day and length of the shadow, that we practiced sensible social distancing.

Taking a break at Food Shelf on Saturday morning, soaking in the sun, and enjoying each other's company, while still practicing social distancing.

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